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Scorpio Horoscope

Sep 09, 2024… You could tend to be chatty today, Scorpio. While it will be stimulating to get in on some great conversation, do be careful about what you say. If you’re on a roll, you can get into dangerous territory if you reveal secrets that aren’t yours to tell. Try not to spill any beans that you can’t put back in the can! When in doubt, bite your tongue. You have the power to avoid an incident entirely. Your simple silence on some issues can be a gift!

Today’s Inspiration: Some might say that hope is a double-edged sword. On one hand, hope can inspire us to keep going and push us forward in otherwise dismal situations. On the other hand, when your hopes are dashed, you can feel really let down. Still, hope is essential for bringing your desires into reality and it keeps us going through the darkest times. Never give up. Hope will always be one of mankind’s greatest weapons.